

KMG respects the privacy of all users of its website. If you only view the website, no data will be registered by you. We act in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. If you choose to send your data to KMG, you authorize KMG to use this data. KMG will only provide your personal data to third parties if this is necessary for the execution of an agreement with you, or to comply with a legal obligation. KMG handles these data confidentially. You can have your personal data removed by letting us know by e-mail.


All the brands shown at this site are the property of KMG b.v. This also (but not exclusively) concerns the names of KMG, Afterburner, Freak Out, Tango, Experience, Tropical Trip, Discovery and the accompanying logotypes. Unauthorized use of these brands is strictly forbidden.


This website as well as its content are protected by copyright law and/or other intellectual property rights. The intellectual property rights of the texts, sounds, images, photographs, brands, logotypes and other materials belong to KMG b.v. Unauthorized use of these brands is strictly forbidden.

However, you are permitted to print or download materials for non-commercial, informative and personal purposes on the condition that the copyright statement below is quoted in all the reproductions. No rights whatsoever can be derived from the content of this site. Neither KMG, nor the companies affiliated with it, nor its partners accept any liability for the content of this site.

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